The Maxi Line Integrated Pallet System (MIPS) displays palletized merchandise within conventional shelving sections, enabling retailers to expand their merchandising options within a shopping aisle and reduce restocking labor. Madix estimates that MIPS can cut at least ten hours an aisle per week of restocking, and it also precludes employee injuries from lifting heavy boxes/merchandise. The MIPS is particularly well suited to high-density merchandise that must be repeatedly restocked. The system is comprised of components that may be specified in new stores or retrofitted to existing Maxi Shelving. This flexibility permits stores to convert areas back to conventional displays as merchandise needs to change.
Parts for 4' Section
Part Number | Part Description | Quantity | |
A | BSCHD-(ND) | Base Shoe Cover Heavy-Duty | 2 |
B | VDBNP-402 | Vertical Divider Bar No Perforations | 2 |
C | LBPS | Low Base Pallet Stop | 1 |
D | SFA-RD-1 | Seismic Floor Anchor Regular-Duty | 2 |
E | SFA-EB-1 | Seismic Expansion Bolt | 4 |
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