Sales Assistance »
  • Security

    Customers who feel safe and comfortable while trying on clothes are more likely to make a purchase

    Use doors with locks, not curtains
  • Organization

    Providing space to hang and sort items improves the fitting-room experience not only for your customers, but also for your store associates

    Multiple hooks or rods - the more, the better
  • Seating

    Customers need furniture to keep themselves and their personal items off the floor

    Bench of multiple chairs
  • Cross-merchandising

    Maximize your sales potential by providing easy access to upsell items such as apparel accessories, convenience items, or frequently purchased SKUs in the fitting-room area

    Merchandised outer-wall of fitting room
  • Lighting

    Unflattering lighting is the most common mistake retailers make in the fitting-room area, leading to missed sales opportunities

    Neutral, white overhead light from multiple angles, complemented by back and side-lit mirrors
  • Lighting